BeFood is a dairy company established in 2014 by a team of experts from the Czech Republic and China, focusing on the production and development of dairy products. In 2016, BeFood officially launched yogurt with original flavor and fresh milk, which have both been very successful in the F&B industry and retail sector. BeFood has been maintaining the European Union’s industry standards, in terms of dairy farming, production processes, and supply chain, continuing the pursuit of high product quality.

Since our inception, we’ve been devoted to environmental protection and a sustainable lifestyle. BeFood has been pursuing “high-quality industry chain”, limiting the number of cows at the current stage to around 1,500, refusing to have cows in overcrowded conditions and avoiding over-breeding. At the same time, we have also established a methane digester system at our farm which helps us to turn the methane that builds up in the manure into clean energy via the fermentation processes. Our products are packaged in environmentally friendly materials that are recyclable.

BeFood has also established an animal protection fund in order to cooperate with the world’s top wildlife conservation organizations, striving to contribute to the animal rights and interests as much as we can.

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BeFood是一家由来自捷克共和国的专家团队于2014年成立的乳制品公司 重点发展中国乳制品的生产和开发。 2016年,BeFood正式上线 推出了原味酸奶和鲜奶,这两者在国内都非常成功 餐饮业和零售业。 BeFood一直在维护欧盟的产业 标准,在奶牛养殖,生产过程,和供应链,继续 追求高品质的产品。

自成立以来,我们一直致力于环保和可持续的生活方式。 BeFood一直在追求“优质产业链”,限制奶牛数量 目前阶段约为1500头,他们拒绝在过度拥挤的环境下饲养奶牛,并避免饲养 over-breeding。 同时,我们还在农场建立了甲烷消化系统 它可以帮助我们将粪便中积累的甲烷转化为清洁能源 发酵过程。 我们的产品采用环保材料包装

为了与世界顶级合作,BeFood还成立了动物保护基金 野生动物保护组织,努力为动物权益做出贡献 尽我们所能。

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